Here are a few frequently asked questions that you might have as well.

Why should I replace my lawn? 

While traditional turf grass lawns do have a few environmental benefits, replacing it with a low-water landscape featuring plants for pollinators makes a big ecological difference. Here are a few benefits of removing your turf lawn:

  • To conserve water. Turf lawns are one of the biggest water users in the United States. In fact, they account for about 30% of all outdoor water use. By replacing your turf lawn with low-water alternatives, you can save a significant amount of water, especially in our drought-prone region.
  • To improve biodiversity. Turf lawns are often monocultures, meaning that they consist of only a single type of grass. This can reduce the biodiversity of your yard and make it less attractive to wildlife. Low-water alternatives can provide habitat for a variety of birds, butterflies, and other beneficial insects.
  • To reduce pollution. Turf lawns often require fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides to maintain their green, uniform appearance. These chemicals can run off into storm drains and pollute our waterways. Low-water alternatives typically require less or no fertilizer and pesticides, which can help to protect our water quality.
  • To save time and money. Turf lawns can be expensive and time-consuming to maintain. You need to mow them regularly, water them frequently, and fertilize and treat them for weeds and pests. Low-water alternatives typically require less maintenance, which can save you time and money.

There are a wide variety of low-water plants to choose from, so you can create a beautiful yard that is both unique and environmentally friendly.


Do I have to replace my entire lawn?

Nope! You can always start small, and we can help you with a design for smaller spaces. You can also opt to replace your Kentucky bluegrass lawn with a native grass if you still want turf. There are options that require less water and have deeper roots, which is better overall for your soil. 

What does your process look like?

It depends on the service you choose! When you schedule an Interest Visit, Zoom Call, or Additional Onsite Visit, you’ll choose a time to schedule your one-on-one time. Digital Design Guidance projects will be completed 5-7 business days of receiving all of your materials. 

For the design packages, we’ll schedule your in-person consultation, meet on-site to see the space and discuss what your goals are, and schedule a follow up call to discuss any additional details or questions. Your final design will be sent in PDF form after the follow-up call. 

If you’re still unsure of where to start, book a  free 15-minute phone consultation to speak to one of our designers directly.

How much does it cost?

We believe in transparency and our prices are listed on the services page. The prices of the packages are estimates, and the exact price will depend on your specific property. As a general guideline, you can estimate that it costs about $1/square foot for design. 

For installation, our packages include a free 30-minute consultation with Little Plot Gardens to determine your needs and pricing.


Do I have any say in my design?

Yes! We work with you to find out how you use your space, what you already enjoy about it, and how you envision the space looking. All of our design packages come with an hour-long call to work through design specifics after a visit, ensuring that you get the landscape you want.


Can you work with my municipality or other organizations to help with financial assistance?

We are unable to work directly with them, but we can provide you with all of the information you’ll need to work efficiently with them.


Do you only suggest native plants?

No. While our designs do feature native plants, our focus is on well-adapted low-water plants that are affordable and easy-to-find in our area. We can create designs that only feature native plants if you’d like that for your landscape, but it might be harder to purchase those plants when it’s time to install your design.

Do you still have a question? Feel free to contact us to ask!

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